Ralph Rucker Collection Fixed Price Pt II
LOT 389 1810 S-282 R2 VG7 Very slightly sharper but there is very fine granularity covering the fields and protected areas on the reverse. No verdigris and the only marks are some small nicks under star 8. Rather glossy chocolate with lighter brown toning on the devices. MDS. The date is strong and the legends are clear. $1,250
Ex Tom Reynolds 4/24/1994
LOT 390 1810 S-283 R2 VF35 Sharpness EF45 but there are two closely-spaced rim nicks just left of the date and a scrape on the rim above the head. Otherwise this cent is choice with frosty surfaces and no trace of roughness. Steel brown and chocolate with lots of frosty tan faded down from mint color in protected areas on both sides. M-LDS, Breen state III. The fields are flowlined and the right arm of the Y in LIBERTY is thin (from die polishing). Struck slightly off center to K-7. $4,000
Ex McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1999:2570-Evan L. Kopald-Tom Reynolds-Denis Loring, 2008 EAC Sale, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 5/10/2008:391
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