2024 EAC Sale

EARLY CENTS AUCTIONS www.earlycentsauctions.com | info@earlycentsauctions.com P.O. BOX 6400, Austin, TX 78762 Lucas Baldridge, Texas Auctioneer Lic#18106

EARLY CENTS AUCTIONS Includes the following: Chris McCawley - EAC member #1394 Consignments and Expert Direction Bob Grellman - EAC member #575 Grading, Cataloger

Lyle Engleson - EAC member #6888 Photography, Catalog Design, Support

Lucas Baldridge - EAC member #6162 Auctioneer, Shipping and Support

Travis Hollon - EAC member #6329 Shipping and Support

https://bid.earlycentsauctions.com/The-2024 EAC-Convention-Auction_as91759

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All grades listed in this catalog are done using EAC standard grading by Bob Grellman unless otherwise noted.

For images of coins in holders please see our website at www.earlycentsauctions.com or www.icollector.com

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